The Gates Of Ruin

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Judge- Justicat lore.


A dancer of blades, keeper of faith, spear of light. They claim him to be the champion of dawn, the realm of their one true God, Lucifer. He wears a mask of black and white, armour of black and gold, a double-ended spear, glowing with the sun. He does not tell his name, nor does he seem to have one, but the people call him Cicero. He seems a lone warrior, a healer and destroyer alike. The Republic kill and slaughter and live in the name of their Goddess, a lady whose image is only shown in the mists of great lakes, holder of a grail, so holy those who drink it become imbued with her presence. The Justicat cast this faith aside when they opened the Aether Gates, when their true lord of light came through with his armies of angels and creatures of the void. He comes to claim back the throne she took, to reclaim the souls of those he believes she tainted, he comes in the form of this man: Cicero. To end all who dare destroy the beauty he created, destroy all others who hold the claim to his throne. He is the one who will change the world, the one and the only. With Justice, Truth and Knowledge at his heels, he commands the races of this world to reclaim it and make peace; for in his eyes, all races are equal and hierarchy is chosen by the people. We all have a role to fill, Cicero intends for us to fill it.

Let Cicero, the judge join the great leaders and warriors of this world. Will you pick him as your champion?

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